Driving Directions: Trailhead and parking area are at the end of Georgiana Falls Road in Lincoln, NH. To get there, take Hanson Farm Road from the west side of Rt. 3, 0.3 miles north of Rt. 93 at exit 33. Drive 0.1 miles, then continue straight onto Georgiana Falls Road. Continue another 0.1 miles to the end of the road and park on the right, in a small pull-off. Click here for a Google map.
About the Hike: The obscure and scenic Georgiana Falls are an easy but relatively unknown hiking destination. The multitudes of cascades in addition to the 30-foot waterfall itself are very rewarding for the little effort required. Beyond Georgiana lies the wild Harvard Falls, one of the largest and most majestic waterfalls in the White Mountains, which, until recently, was reached only by unblazed herd paths. To hike both waterfalls, a much more difficult undertaking, see the separate page for Georgiana and Harvard Falls.
The trail to Georgiana Falls begins at an underpass below Rt. 93. Start hiking on Georgiana Falls Path, which begins on a snowmobile trail. Just after the underpass, turn right to leave the snowmobile trail. Georgiana Falls Path now follows an old road, soon crossing under the other lane of the highway. After 0.4 miles on the old road, bear left onto the hiking trail. Soon, the trail joins the brook and follows it to an unnamed waterfall. It crosses a dry stream, then continues along the side of Harvard Brook, now a continuous chain of cascades. In a short distance, the trail leads out onto open rock and climbs to the official Georgiana Falls, a beautiful pair of water slides cascading into a pool. This is 0.3 miles from the old road.